Fortigate: VPN Troubleshooting / Fehlersuche

IPsec VPN Troubleshooting This section contains tips to help you with some common challenges of IPsec VPNs.   A VPN connection has multiple stages that can be confirmed to ensure the connection is working properly. It is easiest to see if the final stage is successful first since if it is successful the other stages will be working properly. Otherwise, you will need to work back through the stages to see where the problem is located. When a VPN connection is properly established, traffic will flow from one end to the other as if both ends were physically in the same place. If you can determine the connection is working properly then any problems are likely problems with your applications. …

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Fortigate: Eingebauter Sniffer / Packet Trace / TcpDump

Einführung Alle FortiGate Firewalls verfügen über einen performanten Packet Sniffer. Wer sich mit tcpdump auskennt, wird den Sniffer auch mögen. Basics Der Packet Sniffer sitzt innerhalb der FortiGate und kann den Datenverkehr auch einem bestimmten Interface oder auf allen Interfaces sniffen. Es gibt 3 unterschiedliche Ausgabestufen (Verbose Levels) 1 bis 3 (1 wenig, 3 viel Output) 1: print Header 2: print header and data from IP of packets 3: print header and data from Ethernet of packets 4: print header of packets with interface name 5: print header and data from IP of packets with interface name 6: print header and data from Ethernet of packets with interface name Der erste Befehl # diag sniffer packet <interface> <‚filter‘> <verbose> <count> …

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