Wie kann man einen Domänencontroller zwingen seine DNS Einträge im DNS neu zu registrieren?

A. Several options exist that let you force a DC to reregister its DNS records. For example, you can stop and start the netlogon service on a DC to make it reregister all the service DNS records. You can also use the /dsregdns switch with the Nltest command to force a DC to reregister all it’s DNS records, as the following sample execution shows: C:\>nltest /dsregdns Flags: 0 Connection Status = 0 0x0 NERR_Success The command completed successfully This method lets you avoid losing the netlogon service during the stop and restart. You can also force reregistration of another DC’s records by adding the /server: switch (although it must be online and running for it to succeed) The following sample …

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BlueCat Blueprint: Fehler beim Importunknown option type „“Keep-alive“-Intervall““ in definition

BlueCat Blueprint: Fehler beim Importunknown option type „“Keep-alive“-Intervall““ in definition Blueprint hatte Probleme beim Importieren von diesen Zeilen: Dhcp Server \\ Add Optiondef 38 „“Keep-alive“-Intervall“ DWORD 0 comment=““Keep-alive“-Zeitlimit in Sekunden“ 0 Das Entfernen der zusätzlichen Anführungszeichen rund um das keep-alive hilft … Dhcp Server \\ Add Optiondef 38 „Keep-alive-Intervall“ DWORD 0 comment=““Keep-alive“-Zeitlimit in Sekunden“ 0