Palo Alto Firewall: Ping Fehler von der Konsole

admin@PA1(active)> ping
Invalid syntax.


Dies sind die CLI Parameter:

admin@PA1(active)> ping
+ bypass-routing    Bypass routing table, use specified interface
+ count             Number of requests to send (1..2000000000 packets)
+ do-not-fragment   Don't fragment echo request packets (IPv4)
+ inet6             Force to IPv6 destination
+ interval          Delay between requests (seconds)
+ no-resolve        Don't attempt to print addresses symbolically
+ pattern           Hexadecimal fill pattern
+ size              Size of request packets (0..65468 bytes)
+ source            Source address of echo request
+ tos               IP type-of-service value (0..255)
+ ttl               IP time-to-live value (IPv6 hop-limit value) (0..255 hops)
+ verbose           Display detailed output
* host              Hostname or IP address of remote host

Man muss tatsächlich VOR die IP „host“ hinschreiben. „host“ ist in diesem Falle nicht nur Platzhalter für die IP oder einen DNS Namen.

Richtig also:

ping host