Paessler PRTG Network Monitor: Platzhalter für Benachrichtigungen

In einer E-Mail oder einer Push-Nachricht kann man mithilfe der Platzhalter sehr viel Information übertragen. Unten ist eine Liste aller Platzhalter, hier die interessantesten:

PRTG liefert (nicht bei allen Sensoren) die Information, wie lange ein Sensor ausgefallen ist.

Name des Sensors, der diesen Event getriggert hat (enthält den Sensor Typ)

Link zu der kompletten Tabelle:

Placeholder Contains
%colorofstate color of the current object status (HTML hex code)
%company Paessler’s copyright string
%comments Comments entered for the sensor
%commentssensor Comments entered for the sensor
%commentsdevice Comments entered for the parent device
%commentsgroup Comments entered for the parent group
%commentsprobe Comments entered for the parent probe
%coverage covered time span
%cumsince since when data has been accumulated
%date event’s date, in user’s timezone
%datetime event’s date and time, in user’s timezone
%device name of the device in which the event was triggered
%deviceid ID number of the device in which the event was triggered
%down time the item was down
%downtime accumulated downtime
%group group in which the event was triggered
%groupid ID number of the group in which the event was triggered
%history history of sensor events
%home PRTG’s web server URL
%homem PRTG’s web server URL for Mobile Web GUI
%host IP or DNS name of the device that triggered the event
%iconofstate filename incl. extension of the icon for the current object status
%lastcheck when was the sensor’s last scan
%lastdown when was the sensor down for the last time
%lastmessage what message did the sensor send the last time
%lastup when was the sensor up for the last time
%lastvalue what value did the sensor send the last time
%linkprobe the URL of the probe that triggered the event
%linkgroup the URL of the group that triggered the event
%linkdevice the URL of the device that triggered the event
%linksensor the URL of the sensor that triggered the event
%location location of the device/server for which the event was triggered
%message which message did the sensor send the last time
%name name of the sensor that triggered the event (including sensor type)
%nodename name of the node if in a cluster
%shortname name of the sensor that triggered the event
%prio sensor priority setting
%priority sensor priority setting
%probe probe under which the event was triggered
%probeid ID number of the probe under which the event was triggered
%programname PRTG’s official name
%programversion PRTG program version
%sensor name of the sensor that triggered the event
%sensorid ID number of the sensor that triggered the event
%server name of the device under which the event was triggered
%serviceurl Service URL configured for the device under which the event was triggered
%settings miscellaneous sensor settings, such as username for Windows, http, pop3 credentials, etc
%since since when the current status is active
%sitename PRTG’s web server (computer) name
%state current sensor status
%statesince since when the current status is active
%status current sensor status
%summarycount returns the number of events triggered during the defined time span
%syslogerrors max. last 20 syslog entries before the notification trigger
%syslogmessages max. last 20 syslog entries before the notification trigger
%syslogwarnings max. last 20 syslog entries before the notification trigger
%systemdatetime date and time when the notification was sent, in user’s timezone
%time event’s time, in user’s timezone
%timezone user’s timezone name
%toaddress address to which the notification was sent
%traperrors max. last 20 trap entries before the notification trigger
%trapmessages max. last 20 trap entries before the notification trigger
%trapwarnings max. last 20 trap entries before the notification trigger
%uptime accumulated uptime
