Extreme Networks: EAPS im WAN Bereich als Alternative zum MLAG

Die EAPS-Technologie ist eine

  • fehlertolerante Topologie
  • mit minimaler Wiederherstellungszeit
  • in Ringtopologie
  • vergleichbar dem Spanning-Tree-Protokoll


  • jede EAPS-Domäne besteht aus einer Master-Node, die EAPS-fähig sein muss,
  • und weiteren Knoten, den Transit-Nodes, die nicht EAPS-fähig sein müssen


Obwohl man am Transit Node einen Primary und einen Secondary Port konfiguriert, funktionieren beide identisch, solange der Transit Node nicht zum Master hochgestuft wird.

Jeder Knoten

  • ist mit zwei Ports an den Ring angeschlossen.
  • mit einem Primary Port,
  • und einem der Secondary Port.

Im normalen Betrieb

  • blockiert der Master-Node seinen Secondary Port
  • für alle Datenpakete
  • mit Ausnahme der EAPS-Prüfpakete.

Dadurch wird eine Schleifenbildung im Ring verhindert.

Entdeckt die Master-Node eine Ringunterbrechung, wird der Secondary Port freigegeben und die Datenpakete gelangen über beide Ports auf den Ring.

Der Master erkennt Ringunterbrechungen dadurch, dass er auf die Prüfpakete keine Antwort mehr bekommt oder durch eine Trap-Meldung von einem Transit-Knoten.
A protected VLAN

  • is a user data VLAN
  • that uses the ring for a protected connection between all nodes
  • uses 802.1q trunking on the ring ports and
  • supports tagged and untagged port.

the control VLAN

  • is a dedicated 802.1q tagged VLAN
  • that is used to transmit and receive EAPS control frames on the ring.
  • can contain only two EAPS ring ports on each node
  • carries the following EAPS control messages around the ring

Creating and Deleting an EAPS Domain

  • Each EAPS domain is identified by a unique domain name.
    create eaps name
    delete eaps name
  • Adding the EAPS Control VLAN
    You must create and configure one control VLAN for each EAPS domain.

     configure eaps name add control {vlan} vlan_name

    A control VLAN cannot belong to more than one EAPS domain.
    The ring ports of the control VLAN must be tagged.

  • Enabling and Disabling an EAPS Domain
     enable eaps {name}





Konfiguration Master-Knoten

# Module eaps configuration.
enable eaps
create eaps D2025
configure eaps D2025 mode master
configure eaps D2025 primary port 7
configure eaps D2025 secondary port 9
enable eaps D2025
configure eaps D2025 add protected vlan V2025
configure eaps D2025 add control vlan V2025C

Konfiguration Transit-Knoten

# Module eaps configuration.
enable eaps
create eaps D2025
configure eaps D2025 mode transit
configure eaps D2025 primary port 2:25
configure eaps D2025 secondary port 1:48
enable eaps D2025
configure eaps D2025 add protected vlan V2025
configure eaps D2025 add control vlan V2025C

 Status überprüfen am Master

* LDP-SH-EX1.2 # sh eaps deta

EAPS Enabled: Yes
EAPS Fast-Convergence: Off
EAPS Display Config Warnings: On
EAPS Multicast Add Ring Ports: Off
EAPS Multicast Send IGMP and MLD Query: On
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding: Off
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration: 15 sec
Number of EAPS instances: 1

  Name: D2025                                   Priority: Normal
  State: Complete                               Running: Yes
  Enabled: Yes    Mode: Master
  Primary port:   7             Port status: Up Tag status: Tagged
  Secondary port: 9             Port status: Blocked    Tag status: Tagged
  Hello Egress Port: Primary
  Hello timer interval: 1  sec  0  millisec
  Fail timer interval:  3  sec  0  millisec
  Fail Timer expiry action: Send alert
  Last update: From Master Id 00:04:96:9a:44:ea, at Thu Dec 17 14:59:11 2015
  EAPS Domain has following Controller Vlan:
    Vlan Name                    VID
    V2025C                       3025
  EAPS Domain has following Protected Vlan(s):
    Vlan Name                    VID
    V2025                        2025
  Number of Protected Vlans: 1

* LDP-SH-EX1.3 #

Status überprüfen am Transit

Slot-1 EX-AC.3 # sh eaps detail

EAPS Enabled: Yes
EAPS Fast-Convergence: Off
EAPS Display Config Warnings: On
EAPS Multicast Add Ring Ports: Off
EAPS Multicast Send IGMP and MLD Query: On
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding: Off
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration: 15 sec
Number of EAPS instances: 1

  Name: D2025                                   Priority: Normal
  State: Links-Up                               Running: Yes
  Enabled: Yes    Mode: Transit
  Primary port:   2:25          Port status: Up Tag status: Tagged
  Secondary port: 1:48          Port status: Up Tag status: Tagged
  Hello timer interval: 1  sec  0  millisec
  Fail timer interval:  3  sec  0  millisec
  Preforwarding Timer interval: 15 sec
  Last update: From Master Id 00:04:96:9a:44:ea, at Thu Dec 17 14:58:45 2015
  EAPS Domain has following Controller Vlan:
    Vlan Name                    VID
    V2025C                       3025
  EAPS Domain has following Protected Vlan(s):
    Vlan Name                    VID
    V2025                        2025
  Number of Protected Vlans: 1

On a transit node,

the command displays one of the following states:

• Idle—The EAPS domain has been enabled, but the configuration is not complete.
• Links-Up—This EAPS domain is running, and both its ports are up and in the forwarding state.
• Links-Down—This EAPS domain is running, but one or both of its ports are down.
• Preforwarding—This EAPS domain is running, and both of its ports are up, but one of them is in a temporary blocked state.

On a master node,

the command displays one of the following states:

• Idle—The EAPS domain has been enabled, but the configuration is not complete.
• Init—The EAPS domain has started but has not yet determined the status of the ring. The secondary port is in a blocked state.
• Complete—The ring is in the complete state for this EAPS domain.
• Failed—There is a break in the ring for this EAPS domain.
• Pre-Init—The EAPS domain has started operation for Init state and has sent a request to lower hardware layers to block the secondary port. It is in transient state waiting for acknowledgement from hardware layer indicating the operation is completed.
• Pre-Complete—The EAPS domain has started operation for Complete state and has sent a request to lower hardware layers to block the secondary port. It is in transient state waiting for acknowledgement from the hardware layer indicating the operation is completed.
• [Failtimer Expired]—When the failtimer expires and its action is set to send-alert, this flag is set. This flag indicates there is a misconfiguration or hardware problem in the EAPS ring. The EAPS master node will continue to remain in COMPLETE or INIT statewith it’s secondary port blocking.
• Yes—This EAPS domain is running.
• No—This EAPS domain is not running.
Indicates whether EAPS is enabled on this domain:
• Y—EAPS is enabled on this domain.
• N—EAPS is not enabled.
The configured EAPS mode for this switch: transit (T) or master (M).
The port numbers assigned as the EAPS primary and secondary ports.
On the master node, the port distinction indicates which port is blocked to avoid a loop.
Indicates port status as one of the following states:
• Unknown—This EAPS domain is not running, so the port status has
not yet been determined.
• Up—The port is up and is forwarding data.
• Down—The port is down.
• Blocked—The port is up, but data is blocked from being forwarded