Palo Alto:: und wieder eine Commit Fehler

2015-02-05 17:03:15.451 +0100 debug: ha_state_cfg_commit_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:664): Commit failure on peer device
2015-02-05 17:03:15.451 +0100 Error:  ha_state_cfg_dosync_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:409): Group 1: Config sync start failed on local mgmt srvr
2015-02-05 17:03:15.451 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_dev_cfgsync_update(src/ha_sysd.c:1338): Set dev cfgsync to Out-of-Sync
2015-02-05 17:03:15.451 +0100 debug: ha_state_cfg_dosync_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:420): Group 1: setting reason to failure for config sync when we got a dosync failure
2015-02-05 17:03:15.451 +0100 debug: ha_state_cfg_sync_callback(src/ha_state_cfg.c:897): ha_state_cfg_sync_callback: retries: 4; insync: no
2015-02-05 17:03:15.451 +0100 Warning:  ha_event_log(src/ha_event.c:47): HA Group 1: Running configuration not synchronized after retries


2015-02-05 15:40:20.756 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_config_status_notifier_callback(src/ha_sysd.c:2685): Ending monitor increase holdup on commit end
2015-02-05 15:40:20.756 +0100 debug: ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1214): Ending monitor holdup increase after commit in 60 seconds
2015-02-05 15:40:20.756 +0100 Error:  ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1223): Got into montior holdup increase stop without start
2015-02-05 15:41:28.621 +0100 debug: cfgagent_flags_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:196): ha_agent: cfg agent received flags from server
2015-02-05 15:41:28.621 +0100 debug: cfgagent_flags_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:200): new flags=0x4
2015-02-05 15:41:28.622 +0100 debug: cfgagent_config_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:221): ha_agent: cfg agent received configuration from server
2015-02-05 15:41:28.622 +0100 debug: cfgagent_config_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:237): config length=30400
2015-02-05 15:41:28.622 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1(src/ha_cfgagent.c:549): start
2015-02-05 15:41:28.622 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_callback(src/ha_cfgagent.c:491): start
2015-02-05 15:41:28.624 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_callback(src/ha_cfgagent.c:520): sending back true for p1done
2015-02-05 15:41:33.125 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_abort(src/ha_cfgagent.c:624): start
2015-02-05 15:41:33.126 +0100 debug: ha_state_cfg_commit_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:664): Commit failure on local device
2015-02-05 15:41:33.126 +0100 debug: ha_peer_send_hello(src/ha_peer.c:4978): Group 1 (HA1-MAIN): Sending hello message

Hello Msg
flags    : 0x0 ()
state    : Passive (4)
priority : 100
cookie   : 1905
num tlvs : 2
Printing out 2 tlvs
TLV[1]: type 15 (COMMIT_FAIL); len 4; value:
TLV[2]: type 11 (SYSD_PEER_DOWN); len 4; value:

2015-02-05 15:41:33.128 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_config_status_notifier_callback(src/ha_sysd.c:2685): Ending monitor increase holdup on commit end
2015-02-05 15:41:33.128 +0100 debug: ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1214): Ending monitor holdup increase after commit in 60 seconds
2015-02-05 15:41:33.128 +0100 Error:  ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1223): Got into montior holdup increase stop without start
2015-02-05 17:12:39.808 +0100 debug: ha_peer_recv_hello(src/ha_peer.c:5031): Group 1 (HA1-MAIN): Receiving hello message

Msg Hdr
version : 1
groupID : 1
type    : Hello (2)
token   : 0x2aa9
flags   : 0x1 (req:)
length  : 122

Hello Msg
flags    : 0x0 ()
state    : Active (5)
priority : 100
cookie   : 1905
num tlvs : 3
Printing out 3 tlvs
TLV[1]: type 62 (CONFIG_MD5_PRE); len 33; value:
39363563 39656265 35353130 39656662 32616566 61613963
34343037 66306361 00
TLV[2]: type 2 (CONFIG_MD5SUM); len 33; value:
64643135 30353361 65313338 36613461 32623533 38633533
37323131 61383336 00
TLV[3]: type 11 (SYSD_PEER_DOWN); len 4; value:

2015-02-05 17:14:26.021 +0100 debug: cfgagent_flags_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:196): ha_agent: cfg agent received flags from server
2015-02-05 17:14:26.021 +0100 debug: cfgagent_flags_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:200): new flags=0x4
2015-02-05 17:14:26.022 +0100 debug: cfgagent_config_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:221): ha_agent: cfg agent received configuration from server
2015-02-05 17:14:26.022 +0100 debug: cfgagent_config_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:237): config length=30400
2015-02-05 17:14:26.022 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1(src/ha_cfgagent.c:549): start
2015-02-05 17:14:26.022 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_callback(src/ha_cfgagent.c:491): start
2015-02-05 17:14:26.024 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_callback(src/ha_cfgagent.c:520): sending back true for p1done
2015-02-05 17:14:30.508 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_abort(src/ha_cfgagent.c:624): start
2015-02-05 17:14:30.508 +0100 debug: ha_state_cfg_commit_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:664): Commit failure on local device
2015-02-05 17:14:30.508 +0100 debug: ha_peer_send_hello(src/ha_peer.c:4978): Group 1 (HA1-MAIN): Sending hello message

Hello Msg
flags    : 0x0 ()
state    : Passive (4)
priority : 100
cookie   : 1905
num tlvs : 2
Printing out 2 tlvs
TLV[1]: type 15 (COMMIT_FAIL); len 4; value:
TLV[2]: type 11 (SYSD_PEER_DOWN); len 4; value:

2015-02-05 17:14:30.508 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_config_status_notifier_callback(src/ha_sysd.c:2685): Ending monitor increase holdup on commit end
2015-02-05 17:14:30.508 +0100 debug: ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1214): Ending monitor holdup increase after commit in 60 seconds
2015-02-05 17:14:30.508 +0100 Error:  ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1223): Got into montior holdup increase stop without start
2015-02-05 17:16:58.289 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_config_status_notifier_callback(src/ha_sysd.c:2707): Disabling monitor increase holdup on mgmt node delete
2015-02-05 17:16:58.289 +0100 debug: ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1214): Ending monitor holdup increase after commit in 0 seconds
2015-02-05 17:16:58.289 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_event_callback(src/ha_sysd.c:1805): Mgmtsrvr namespace removed
2015-02-05 17:17:24.146 +0100 Received HA2 MAC address: 58:49:3b:35:cd:21
2015-02-05 17:17:24.146 +0100 Received HA2 MAC address: 58:49:3b:35:cd:21
2015-02-05 17:17:25.843 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_event_callback(src/ha_sysd.c:1791): Mgmtsrvr namespace available
2015-02-05 17:17:25.845 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_config_md5_notifier_callback(src/ha_sysd.c:2605): Autocommit md5sum for config sync only changes state
2015-02-05 17:17:25.845 +0100 debug: ha_state_cfg_md5_set(src/ha_state_cfg.c:489): We were out of sync and now we are out of sync; autocommit yes; ha-sync no; panorama no; cfg-sync-off no; pre-old-insync no
; pre-new-insync no
2015-02-05 17:17:25.845 +0100 debug: ha_peer_send_hello(src/ha_peer.c:4978): Group 1 (HA1-MAIN): Sending hello message

Hello Msg
flags    : 0x0 ()
state    : Passive (4)
priority : 100
cookie   : 1905
num tlvs : 3
Printing out 3 tlvs
TLV[1]: type 62 (CONFIG_MD5_PRE); len 33; value:
35373335 66376235 35373635 30353065 65646565 30376536
33356666 64613330 00
TLV[2]: type 2 (CONFIG_MD5SUM); len 33; value:
33333532 62653861 36313637 62363238 63313239 35303336
61653632 37383436 00
TLV[3]: type 11 (SYSD_PEER_DOWN); len 4; value:

2015-02-05 17:17:44.712 +0100 debug: cfgagent_flags_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:196): ha_agent: cfg agent received flags from server
2015-02-05 17:17:44.712 +0100 debug: cfgagent_flags_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:200): new flags=0x4
2015-02-05 17:17:44.713 +0100 debug: cfgagent_config_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:221): ha_agent: cfg agent received configuration from server
2015-02-05 17:17:44.713 +0100 debug: cfgagent_config_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:237): config length=30400
2015-02-05 17:17:44.713 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1(src/ha_cfgagent.c:549): start
2015-02-05 17:17:44.713 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_callback(src/ha_cfgagent.c:491): start
2015-02-05 17:17:44.715 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_callback(src/ha_cfgagent.c:520): sending back true for p1done
2015-02-05 17:17:49.176 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_abort(src/ha_cfgagent.c:624): start
2015-02-05 17:17:49.176 +0100 debug: ha_state_cfg_commit_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:664): Commit failure on local device
2015-02-05 17:17:49.176 +0100 debug: ha_peer_send_hello(src/ha_peer.c:4978): Group 1 (HA1-MAIN): Sending hello message

Hello Msg
flags    : 0x0 ()
state    : Passive (4)
priority : 100
cookie   : 1905
num tlvs : 2
Printing out 2 tlvs
TLV[1]: type 15 (COMMIT_FAIL); len 4; value:
TLV[2]: type 11 (SYSD_PEER_DOWN); len 4; value:

2015-02-05 17:17:49.183 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_config_status_notifier_callback(src/ha_sysd.c:2685): Ending monitor increase holdup on commit end
2015-02-05 17:17:49.183 +0100 debug: ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1214): Ending monitor holdup increase after commit in 60 seconds
2015-02-05 17:17:49.183 +0100 Error:  ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1223): Got into montior holdup increase stop without start
2015-02-05 17:22:14.200 +0100 debug: cfgagent_flags_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:196): ha_agent: cfg agent received flags from server
2015-02-05 17:22:14.200 +0100 debug: cfgagent_flags_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:200): new flags=0x4
2015-02-05 17:22:14.201 +0100 debug: cfgagent_config_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:221): ha_agent: cfg agent received configuration from server
2015-02-05 17:22:14.201 +0100 debug: cfgagent_config_callback(pan_cfgagent.c:237): config length=30400
2015-02-05 17:22:14.201 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1(src/ha_cfgagent.c:549): start
2015-02-05 17:22:14.201 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_callback(src/ha_cfgagent.c:491): start
2015-02-05 17:22:14.203 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_callback(src/ha_cfgagent.c:520): sending back true for p1done
2015-02-05 17:22:18.666 +0100 debug: ha_cfgagent_phase1_abort(src/ha_cfgagent.c:624): start
2015-02-05 17:22:18.666 +0100 debug: ha_state_cfg_commit_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:664): Commit failure on local device
2015-02-05 17:22:18.666 +0100 debug: ha_peer_send_hello(src/ha_peer.c:4978): Group 1 (HA1-MAIN): Sending hello message

Hello Msg
flags    : 0x0 ()
state    : Passive (4)
priority : 100
cookie   : 1905
num tlvs : 2
Printing out 2 tlvs
TLV[1]: type 15 (COMMIT_FAIL); len 4; value:
TLV[2]: type 11 (SYSD_PEER_DOWN); len 4; value:

2015-02-05 17:22:18.668 +0100 debug: ha_sysd_config_status_notifier_callback(src/ha_sysd.c:2685): Ending monitor increase holdup on commit end
2015-02-05 17:22:18.668 +0100 debug: ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1214): Ending monitor holdup increase after commit in 60 seconds
2015-02-05 17:22:18.668 +0100 Error:  ha_state_stop_increase_monitor_holdup(src/ha_state.c:1223): Got into montior holdup increase stop without start